
Happy Living | Blog | Significance“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.”
(Robert Frost)

I’m very excited to announce that Happy Living is close to publishing our fifth book, Inspiring Women. This is the third book[1] authored by our founder, Matt Gersper, and we are targeting its release date for mid-October.

It may seem strange to some that a man would be author of a book about inspiring women, but perhaps it’s not so strange when you know the story behind this book. (That story is shared in the first chapter, which will soon be available for you to read!) For now, here’s the short version:

Matt wrote Inspiring Women because he paid attention as the Universe was sending signs that it was his book to write and because eleven women inspired him with their dedication, discipline, and creativity. Most importantly, they inspired him with their courage in pursuing the paths of their choosing. It is his sincere wish that these women will serve as inspiring role models for girls and women the world over. For it is on that path—the path of one’s own unique and distinctive journey—that you’ll find the way to make a significant mark on the world.

Today, I’d like to present the book title, subtitle, and description we are planning on its Amazon page. Please, let us know what you think.

Title: Inspiring Women

Subtitle: Here to Make a Significant Mark on the World

Inspiring Women features eleven women deeply immersed in work they love, creating something genuinely connected to who they are, and bringing value to others. Written like a conversation, reading it feels like having a personal chat with these ladies, and getting the real, raw, intimate details about what drives them to do what they do.

Through these conversations, you’ll discover:

Inspiration and significance are sturdy foundations upon which to create a more meaningful, successful, and happy life.

Inspiration may be felt as a gentle nudge within yourself or a bolt of lightning igniting your spirit. No matter how it comes, it’s your heart communicating with you. When an inspiration touches your heart, it’s a signal that that message aligns with your inner spirit. That heart-alignment gives you power to move forward and change your life.

Significance is the big secret to happiness and purpose. We add meaning to our lives through the pursuit of significance. It comes from a daily practice of prioritizing those things that are most important – to you! Significance is dedicating your time, work, and life to something of great meaning to you, which provides value to others, too.

You may think it’s a bit strange that a man would author a book such as this, but perhaps it’s not so strange coming from this man: Matt Gersper is on a mission to improve the health and wellbeing of the world, one person at a time. While hosting interviews for his blog series, Something Significant, he came upon a long streak of particularly interesting people. He was struck by their differences (author, martial artist, entrepreneur, surgeon, educator, filmmaker, and nutritionist) and by their similarities (courageous, dedicated, disciplined, creative, women). As divergent as their fields of work were, a pattern emerged: each of the women had listened to her own heart, and it had led her to the particular work she now loves. While the work they do is different, they are all doing work that feeds their soul while also benefitting others.

Inspiring Women is a book about eleven women pursuing different paths and leaving their distinctive exclamation marks on the world, written by a man whose sincere hope is that these women will serve as inspiring role models for girls and women the world over to do the same.

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[1] Matt’s first book, co-authored with his daughter, is The Belief Road Map. His second, and also his signature keynote speech subject is Turning Inspiration Into Action